I Have a Dream provides tamariki (children) and rangatahi (youth) (our Dreamers) with personal support, opportunities and resources, empowering them to increase their abilities and find success for themselves throughout their educational and life journey. The primary way that we achieve that is through the presence of consistent, caring adults (Navigators) who support Dreamers on a multi-year journey through a combination of in-class educational support and outside of class educational, social and community building activities and mentoring interventions. This creates deep high trust relationships between Dreamers and Navigators focused around each Dreamer’s individual strengths and needs.
Our Navigators, with a multi-year dedicated focus on the wellbeing of our Dreamers, provide on-going support and encouragement, via life-coaching, tutoring, extra-curricular activities, etc. They instil values of higher education, career aspirations and life success and we aim to materially increase the resources, opportunities and networks available to our Dreamers to succeed. The presence of Navigators (and supported by I Have a Dream Mentors and Volunteers) over an extended period has a hugely beneficial impact on Dreamers and their families.
Our Navigators are respected community members who are involved in local organisations and invested in multiple ways in the lives of our Dreamers and whānau. Navigators encourage Dreamers and whānau to voice successes and challenges in their journey with I Have a Dream to maintain inclusivity and transparency.
Weekly, our Dreamers in Whangārei are either participating in one of the 30+ outcome-based after school programmes provided or, receiving up to 300 hours of academic and personal support through Navigator school and classroom presence. We also have a direct line to whānau where Navigators can spend up to 50 hours a week (collectively) fielding queries and sharing successes etc.
Navigators form partnerships with other community organisations including arts, sport, and music programmes with whom they collaborate to provide exciting events and opportunities
to Dreamers. IHAD has a pool of volunteers, including programme volunteers and tutors who support individual and large groups of Dreamers at IHAD programmes and events. IHAD has also developed meaningful relationships with local businesses who provide a wide range of support to Dreamers including donations, financial literacy training, vocational training, job opportunities, and extracurricular experiences.
Mentoring is also offered to some Dreamers who have been identified by Navigators who would benefit from having another positive, supportive adult in their lives. Volunteer adult mentors are
recruited from the local community.
Follow each year-level of children from early primary to tertiary education or employment, providing mentoring, academic oversight, and support.
We instill values of higher education, career aspirations and life success.
Between schools, families and the community to ensure every child has the resources, opportunities and networks they need to succeed.
Is given to each student, walking with them from when they enter primary school to tertiary study and beyond.
You can help I Have A Dream create successful
futures for Kiwi kids.